
Good morning!

It's Monday and a new week, it's going to be a busy one!

Firstly thank you to everyone who came to the taster night on Friday and Caroline who organised it. We had a great time, lots of laughter and fun was had by all, they were a great crowd. It really is one of my favourite parts of what we do, the next one is 8th December which is being held at Aldreth village hall.

I then went to the Pumpkin Festival in Spalding on Saturday, again thank you to everyone who came and saw us and attended the event. It was being held in the town centre, the weather was perfect and lots of people came out and supported it. There were lots of stands, many raising money for good causes, despite having little sleep I was on a high after the Friday night and this carried on throughout Saturday, finally sitting down Saturday late afternoon and had a great evening and day off on Sunday, just doing normal things and relaxing, laughing and of course if you know me, eating! This balance between work and time off has set me up perfectly for this week. I have learnt to switch off at times and just chill. As my friends will tell you, this can be dangerous and usually that's where the ideas pop into my head, so watch this space…

Whilst walking the dogs yesterday I was listening to a podcast, if it wasn't a serious podcast, they were just chatting. One of the things they talked about was happiness, they said that they have friends who are super rich and miserable and they have friends who have very little yet are very happy. The only difference they said was the people they know who are happy, regardless of wealth, are the ones who are grateful. This really struck a chord with me, I have often written about being grateful and to not take anything for granted. This is something that I think about last night and first thing every morning. It's not the big things that matter, grand gestures etc, these obviously are appreciated, however it's the little things that really count, someone who is super busy yet still finds some time to catch up, someone remembering the little details, making you a drink etc. I have fantastic people around me which I am very grateful for who do this for me and I hope I do the same in return.

It's the same here, I am grateful and appreciate everyone who takes a few minutes to read this, commenting on a post, liking and or sharing what we do, it's what keeps what we do relevant and out there. This ultimately pays the bills and keeps our business going. 

We have seen an increase in online orders recently as people are getting prepared for Christmas, people were purchasing on Saturday as Christmas gifts. Those people are clearly very organised, I on the other hand, will leave it till the last minute! 

I saw some comments about the Coconut Rum, people were enjoying it with Pineapple Juice and Grenadine, not Geraldine as we keep calling it! Thank you for these, we are super pleased you liked it. We will make another batch soon.

Right I best get my arse in gear, got vans to sort!

Right off to a meeting first

Catch you later!

Ant x


Cluttered mess!


Glass Half Full!