
Good morning!

A later start this morning, due to an early morning haircut, thankfully for me Derek opens at 6.30 so its ideal to get that done early and then get to the shed in the fens to start the day, it always throws me routine wise but its much better than popping out during the day etc

We have finished distilling for the year so the mornings are slightly different. Still loads to do though.

Yesterday morning was super hectic, getting everything packed away from the madness of the weekend, dealing with lots of messages, phone calls and emails before then getting on with bottling and labeling. 

We have an event this evening which we are going to, we supply Lincolnshire Co-op and they are holding an event at the Lincolnshire Showground for its members tonight 4pm till 9pm so its going to be another long day. It should be a good evening, they are holding their annual AGM during it and we will meet the buyers and the key people so its a chance to show off some of our other popular products. We are taking a much limited range of products which they might be interested in. One product that has become more and more popular at shows the last few months has been our Amaretto, it seems to be getting its own following, so we have that on the list to take.

Internet orders are also flying in so we have a morning of packing them off and getting them out in the post, we did a social media post yesterday saying that we cannot guarantee anything regarding the postal system but advising people if they are looking to place an online order before Christmas then place it by Friday the 15th and that should allow enough time for Royal Mail to get it there. We have had a couple of orders go missing and a couple broken, unfortunately it happens, but we try and do everything we can to sort it asap. Also we make mistakes, and sometimes get the orders wrong, unfortunately it happens, but we always apologise and try to do everything we can to put it right asap.

Right off to a short meeting before getting things done..

Catch you later

Ant x


Done it!

