Done it!

Good morning!

Another wet chilly morning.. Heaters are on in the shed, the pups are playing waiting for it to be light enough to go for a walk..

We did a show last night, it was an event held by the Lincolnshire Co-op at the showground, 4pm till 9pm, it was for their members, and during it they held there AGM. We got there about 3.30 and quickly set up, we were like naughty school kids late for a lesson as everyone was set up and listening to a talk by the Co-op when we walked in, it didn’t take us long to set up and before we knew it the doors were open and people came in. We had a fun evening, chatting to staff at the Co-op many who love our Toffee Vodka and meeting there members, Toffee Vodka is in there magazine again so people where happy to try it who hadn’t in the past, we took Mulled Gin and had some in a flask warmed up and that went down very well. After the AGM it cleared very quickly so we had a quick pack up and got out quickly for the drive home.

I didn’t set an alarm and woke up later than usual, but as I wrote yesterday the stills are not on so coming in a little later is not a problem.

So in terms of shows, that's it for me personally for 2023, we have a couple on this weekend but for me that's me done. 

I have done it, chatting to Paul from Birdhouse Brewery this morning. We are both in the same position, we got through it. It's time to reflect on the shows this year. In terms of shows its been a challenging year leading up to the Christmas period, we have tried new ones, some succeeded, some failed miserably, the weather at times has been absolutely bloody awful and killed many events. So coming into the Christmas period there was some trepidation, our calendar was very different, some of our biggest Christmas shows were not on this year, so it was looking very different. Then in the middle of November the Christmas shows started, and they started with a bang, Ely Cathedral was the first, it was a fantastic event and then they just carried on like that. Traveling and time away was less than usual which has been good, less time spent in hotels, eating on the road etc. 

Now I have to concentrate on a few things, the day to day stuff here which I need to catch up on, getting myself prepared for Christmas, I have started a spreadsheet with my present shopping list, In my head I have loads of time, but clearly in reality I don’t, but I will get it done and I also have a quiz to get ready for on Friday. I was chatting about it yesterday, people were asking am I ready for it, am I prepared? Those closest to me know, I am not, not at all, they also know that I will do better if I don’t over prepare. I have a few ideas on what I am going to do, its funny, I will have a random idea about a film I can act out, a picture I can draw or a song will come on and I just log it somewhere in my brain and then will think about it properly on Friday evening. Probably about 6pm Ill write it out whilst having a beer or something, then at 7pm Ill pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne, absolutely poop myself (not literally) think what on earth am I doing and then press the ‘live’ button on my phone and see what happens…

So if you are joining us on the quiz, even if you have never done one before, set an alarm for 7pm Friday, go on our Facebook page, with a pen and a piece of paper, and see how you get on, it lasts about an hour..

Right, it's light enough to walk the pups, then off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Quiz day!

