Its a test!

Good morning!

Thank you for the lovely comments on yesterday's blog, it's appreciated that you read them and hopefully take something from them. We are all on a journey.. Some people said they were sorry that the previous day was one of those days, that's lovely to hear, however we all have those days and those are the ones that determine if we make progress or not. 

We accept those days, they are always going to happen, if you are looking to make progress in whatever form then those days are going to come. To maintain, stabilise and grow a business its never going to be a straight line upwards. It's how you approach those challenges or tests as we like to describe them that matters. 

We see them as a test, a test of how much do we want it, what are we prepared to do, go through and deal with to achieve what we are hoping to achieve. By seeing them this way it helps us to tackle them head on, sometimes parking them to one side when we cannot do anything about it, or just taking a step back and in our case have a coffee or a cooked breakfast and then go again. We have found this approach massively helps us to make progress and move us closer to our goals. We have not always seen it like this way, in fact many times we have felt sorry for ourselves, blamed outside forces and basically become victims. Guess what happens..things usually get bloody worse or at the very least we waste time and make no progress. This is something we have to remind ourselves, regularly, in fact work on it everyday otherwise its so easy to slip back into the other way. So next time you are having a bad day or something shite happens, tell yourself its a test, then see how you get on? 

Because of this approach on Tuesday, yesterday was a bloody brilliant day, one of those days when it's over you can sit there, pour yourself a whisky and say blimey, that was a good one!

Lots of things happened, one example is we have got ourselves into a larger music festival which is in July, we are super excited as its perfect timing for us. Next weeks one at Peterborough Celebrates will be an amazing experience before the new one. We will let you know more details when we can. There were lots of other things that came together which made that whisky taste a little sweeter last night.

As what usually happens, this morning is then a case of, bloody hell, have we taken on too much, what have we got to do, today, tomorrow and to be ready for next week. The first response is loads of stuff, this can create some anxiousness and an unsettled feeling. So as we have learnt, stick to the routines, write the blog, have the morning meeting and at this point of nearly finishing writing the solution to this feeling has come. Write a list, just write down everything that comes to mind, however random, which needs to be done between now and next week. So that's what we are going to do..

Off to write a list, have a meeting and then tackle whatever test is thrown our way..

If you have got to this point and some of this resonates, amazing, if you think what on earth are they going on about, don’t worry, it makes sense to us..we think

Catch you later!


Thanks again!


Birds are tweeting