Keep Going!

Good morning!

Thank you for the lovely comments and support you have given us this week, yes its one of those weeks, but we will get through it and knowing that people are behind us makes it that bit easier.

It's important, in fact it's vital to look for the positive in every situation, it doesn’t matter how bad things get or become you must find a positive and focus on that. If you don’t it becomes a very fast downward spiral and then things truly go tits up and it's much much harder to drag yourself out of it.

The reality of things at the moment for businesses like ours is that January to March are the hardest months of the year. This probably applies to most people. The Christmas period is our busiest and then everything stops in January. Every year you think it would be nice to close for 3 months, just mothball the shed in the fens and reopen in April, but obviously this isn't possible. 

Shows and events are a big part of our business and these don’t really kick off until Easter each year and then before you know it you find yourself struggling for time etc, there is very rarely a middle ground. But that's ok, that's our choice and we are all rolling our sleeves up raring to get going. 

The first 3 months of the year are probably the most important months, because not only do we have to survive them as such, we spend a lot of time behind the scenes planning the shows for the year, booking them which can be a very time consuming job, waiting for confirmation that you have been accepted and then managing cash flow to actually pay for them. Some shows for Christmas this year need paying for in February for example. 

Its crucial during these three months that we don’t lose how we operate, we cannot and will not suddenly change our ethos and start marketing gimmicks etc. This would be very damaging to our company long term. So we work very hard to hold our line, develop and play with some new products and put them out there online. Some are successful and some are not. 

The Pink Gin is definitely a success, the feedback that comes in daily is very very positive, we even had some from people that rarely drink and having it with lemonade has made them pour a second, they enjoyed it that much! For us that is the ultimate success, so thank you for the feedback. If you would like to try some, we have it on here in 20cl and 50cl bottles (that's about as marketing a gimmick as we get!)

Even though it's the Thursday morning of a very shite week, we look for the positives and focus on these

  • Not once have we woke up and shat the bed 😁

  • Pink Gin is going down very well and will become a permanent fixture

  • We continue to receive amazing support from you

  • The Easter shot is finished (finally!)

  • The days are getting longer and feels like spring is here

  • We are closer to getting through Jan to March

These are just a few positives but the list could go on..

There is another sign in the shed in the fens and it says KEEP F’ING GOING, even though we can all swear like troopers there is a time and a place and apart from the odd naughty word on here, that's not a word we would ever type out. But the sign is very apt right now, and yes we will do what it says!

Have a good day, off to a meeting!


Bloody big Fry Up!


Quit is not an option!