When life gives you lemons

Good morning

These days certainly go quickly, especially when having fun aka making progress

You would of seen we got hold of some lemons yesterday so will be bringing back our lemon Liqueur, just in time for the warm weather that's coming our way.

If you have not tried it, its similar to a limincello but less sweet.

We are making progress in all area's, Hunstanton will soon have some tables and chairs outside, again ideal for when the warmer weather comes, people will be able to sit outside and enjoy a drink in the sun! We laughed yesterday because one of the challenges will be stopping people buying their fish and chips and using our tables 😂 not a problem if you want to enjoy a gin and tonic whilst eating them! Or a pint of Birdhouse Brewery ale or Whin Hill Cider.

We have plans elsewhere which we are working on, it takes alot of our focus, but we have to balance it out so that all aspects of the business grow and not let anything slip. That's where having a great team helps, people's roles and responsibilities are becoming more defined and each member is really rising to the tasks in hand and seem to be flourishing in their roles.

Right, we best get to that meeting, the coffee is waiting!

Catch you later


Good spirits!


Won the lottery!