Good spirits!

Good morning!

It's starting to get warmer.. Apparently it's going to be super hot at the weekend

We got the lemon Liqueur bottled off yesterday and it will go online tomorrow.

We are playing with a new vodka which is quite interesting, it's not quite right at the moment so will have another go today.

Yesterday was one of those days, stressful to say the least. It's funny how one or two things going wrong can quickly escalate into it seeming like everything has gone wrong. We simply carried on, grinding it out, laughing and ranting when needed.

By the end of the day we stopped and had another coffee and reflected on a good day, all the little bits that went right and processed the bits that didn't.

It was good to do this and means that we start today in good spirits (ha ha!)

So here's to a good day!

Birds are tweeting, it's warming up nicely and we have loads to do..

Off to the meeting

Catch you later


Ice cream?


When life gives you lemons