Ice cream?

Good morning

It's Friday!! Last day of the week before what appears to be a super hot weekend

It's been a pretty good week, we got the lemon Liqueur made again and is now on our website, people are purchasing so they too are pleased it's back.

Today is running around doing deliveries and getting ready for the show tomorrow.

Everything is in hand and where it needs to be so it shouldn't be too stressful. That's a good thing because we all move a little slower in the heat!

When it gets super hot it has a big impact on the shows, believe it or not it can be too hot. That's not us moaning that's just a fact, people come out to the shows but it can be too hot to shop. Unless you are the ice cream van or selling cold drinks etc they have a great time and rightly so. We have been to plenty of shows when it's freezing cold or pouring with rain and done well and watch the ice cream van sit there. Fair play to them they stick it out, so they absolutely deserve a great day. Will probably have a couple of ice creams ourselves, purely to cool down of course!

Both our shops are open so if you are visiting Hunstanton or Wells pop in, you can get a cold drink in there.. Apparently the Gin and Tonics are pretty good!

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you all for the amazing support!

Off to a meeting


Summer cup?


Good spirits!