Summer cup?

Good morning!

It's Monday and a new week..

Hopefully you enjoyed the weekend and the weather, it was certainly a hot one. In true British fashion we quickly turned to moaning about being too hot 😂

It looks like it's supposed to continue.

So this morning we will work out our plan, it will involve getting ready for this weekend shows, fulfilling trade orders, stocking our shops etc

Also when the weather improves like this the products that sell change, the Lemon Liqueur went very well both online and at the show Saturday so we will have that in the shops tomorrow. Summer cup becomes popular, if you don't know what it is, Pimms is a summer cup, you serve ours the same way, ice, lemonade and fruit. Make a jug of it and sit in the garden and enjoy!

Next we we have the first of two large county shows this month, the Lincolnshire show, it's usually a great event for us so we are looking forward to that!

Right off to a meeting, regardless of the heat a cup of coffee is always on the agenda..

Catch you later!


Have a go!


Ice cream?