Have a go!

Good morning!

It's Tuesday again.. I know that's stating the obvious, but on a Tuesday I write about my own personal views on stuff.

I was recently asked why on a Tuesday, I have no idea was my response, it just seemed to happen that way.

Pretty much like everything I do.

I tend to set a goal, usually a big goal, like a bar at Glastonbury, or my vision for the business in general etc which I will put out there one day. But then I put it out of my mind on a day to day basis.

I then focus (or try to! 😁) on what needs to be done today, with one eye on what's coming up in the next week or so.

I found if I focus too much on the end goal then the chances of that happening are slim to nothing... I miss lots of opportunities here and now and more importantly it takes away the enjoyment. I get too frustrated because I feel I'm not getting there quick enough, yet ironicly by focusing on the here and now and enjoying it as much as I can then I become more disciplined and get more done plus I enjoy it more.

The bar is a good example, when I first came up with that goal I started contacting the organisers of Glastonbury, with no success, so I kept trying, and trying but didn't get anywhere. So got frustrated... I then had two choices give up on it or try a different approach. I started looking at smaller events and started to get a foot in. They have been great fun, a massive learning curve, and very quickly these events have got bigger. It's a big lesson for me, it's absolutely fine to have a massive goal, bigger the better, one that makes people think you are a bit mad. But then do little things everyday which will take you towards it, bloody enjoy it and never give up.

It certainly won't be an easy ride getting there, there will be plenty of times self doubt kicks in, times you have to give your head a shake, but keep going, you never know you might get there and if you don't, who cares, you have had a good go and made loads of memories a long the way

Ant x




Summer cup?