
Good morning

Another beautiful morning..

The days really are flying by, time goes so quickly.

It's the one thing that is difficult to manage is our time, so we have to prioritise what needs doing first. What is urgent etc

We seem to be getting better at this which means it's less firefighting and more planning ahead.

We went through the diary yesterday and planned several weeks in advance, some people will say you should always do this, but this is not always possible, especially during these tough economic times. You often just have to get through the day, grind it out so to speak. So yesterday was a good day because it will make the next few weeks a little smoother.

Today is more of the same, a few meetings, lots of bottling, processing orders, both wholesale and Internet. Internet orders have picked up so thank you to those who have ordered.

We have a few tickets left for next Fridays talk in Hunstanton Shop if anyone is thinking of coming, it will be a great night.

Right off to a meeting..

Catch you later




Have a go!