
Good morning

Yesterday was definitely one of those days, thankfully the bottling and orders etc all went well but the thing that went wrong was the office computer.

For absolutely no reason it just would not load.. 3 to 4 hours later despite trying everything, still the same. We did laugh because the default response when talking to anyone is 'have you tried turning it off and back on?' 😂 Yes about 400 times! This is the advice of most technical helplines everywhere.

It was a good lesson in anger management and patience. Plenty of moments to walk away.. Several walks in the sunshine were a bonus, but still no joy. The bloody thing won't work.

So we pulled the plug and left it overnight and will have a go this morning..

It's just one of those things and a good test to see how we overcome it, we will, no point giving up and just buying a new one.

So that's this mornings task..

Off to a meeting and then pc fixing..

Catch you later


Nearly there

