Nearly there

Good morning!

It's Friday!!! It's certainly been a rollercoaster week, but despite the challenges that have been thrown at us we have got through it. The bloody computer is still not fixed but we have a work around and will get it sorted. We have wasted far too much time on it so its being parked for now and we can concentrate on more fun stuff..Like getting ready for the weekend shows.

We have made some progress behind the scenes this week on a big project which we will be able to announce soon enough. It's very exciting and it's a new challenge for us all, more details to follow when it's all done and dusted.

We have one eye on next week and the following week because we have two very large county shows in the middle of the week. The first one is the Lincolnshire Show which is next Wednesday and Thursday and then the following week is the Royal Norfolk Show, again it's on Wednesday and Thursday. These are usually very good shows for us, we will have the full range so if you are attending either of these pop along and have a sample, or two, or three! You will find us in the food hall areas.

This weekend it's Holbeach and Oundle, both local ones to us, at Holbeach they have the Lancaster Bomber flying over, we have been fortunate to see this a few times at shows and its truly a spectacular sight.

We have another interesting project with our friends at Whin Hill Cider, they have given us some Perry (cider made from pears) which we are going to distil. Not into a brandy this time, we are going to distil into a neutral spirit and then redistil into a gin. We are going to make a traditional gin from it and we are currently putting together a recipe, we will update you as we go.

Right off to a meeting with lots of coffee

Catch you later!


Busy times!

