Let things flow

Good morning!

It's Tuesday again, this is one of those which I start writing with absolutely no idea what to write about. 

When this happens you simply have to start writing and then let it flow. I’m not a creative person, anyone who has seen my acting, drawing or music ability will confirm this. But I am someone who will have a go.

I have been blessed with a few qualities, one of which is not taking myself too seriously, I am more than happy to laugh at myself, some say I make a fool of myself but those people who say that don’t matter. The people that I care about and who care about me don’t see it this way. The opinions of the ones that matter means everything to me. 

I have had several conversations lately with people who are having a go at something or other, whether that be starting a small business or on a health and fitness journey, neither of which I am an expert on but we have had some pretty good chats about these things. The thing I always say is just have a go, set your goal super high but then just chip away at it. Let things flow, go easy on yourself when you need to but just keep chipping away, don’t try to force things etc.

When we have these conversations and I write these things down on here, they are a reminder to me, just keep chipping away, don’t force things and let things flow. Ant. 

I need this reminder and it's something I work on everyday, the lyrics to one of my favourite songs has the words ‘hey hey, my my, everythings gonna be alright’ (Fly like an Eagle by the Stereophonics) and it's the first song I play every morning when I start my workout. 

Nobody knows what people are going through, especially in their heads and people don’t tend to talk about it, so despite things looking great etc they will still have moments of self doubt, moments of thinking what am i doing, no way this is going to work out etc, but it will, regardless of what happens everything will be alright. 

It will be alright as long as you keep going, get up everyday and do the best you can..If you don’t get up then chances are you won’t have a good day, it's especially hard when you don’t want to, that's when it's essential to!

No I’m not writing this from a place of self doubt etc, actually I’m writing it from a very calm headspace which is usually when I come up with some very random idea ha ha

So if you are reading this and having one of those days, just keep going and see where you are at the end of the day..

Have a good day

Ant x


Linc Day 1


Busy times!