Massive thanks!

Good morning!

It's Friday!! These short weeks become very confusing and we have a few more of them coming up.

It has been another good week, progress has been made, however its never a straight line upwards/forwards. Lots of speed bumps to overcome along the way, but if you have read these for a while you will realise this is the norm. 

Some days you want to kick and scream and other days you fly through the things that come at you, but you have to do whatever you need to do to get through it and simply keep going in the pursuit of that goal. 

That's been the case this week, there have been tantrums, things chucked around, things even kicked and thrown, but there has also been fun, laughter and some good things that have happened which far outweigh the negative stuff. 

So let's focus on the positive things, there is too much negativity out there already.

If you saw yesterday afternoon's live, we discussed some people we met in the Hunstanton shop. We were talking about the products which we were selling and how they came from small independent businesses, artisan producers that produce great products, authentic and made with passion and care. The people really got it and appreciated the importance of supporting these people. The notion that purchasing that jar of honey, chutney, beer, dog treats or bottle of gin has a huge impact on these small businesses. It helps keep these companies in business and in turn supports them and their families. It also means that these people also are more inclined to spend their money with other similar businesses and the ripple effect is huge. So from us a massive thank you to everyone who does purchase from us, online, at a show or through our own shops or the shops that we supply.

Today is all about deliveries and getting sorted for the weekend ahead.

Have a good day, off to the meeting..

Catch you later



