Misty morning!

Good morning!

It's a beautiful morning, it was misty at first but now the mist has cleared and its blue skies..

A huge thank you for yesterday, we had a lot of fun going live, doing a photo shoot for the brollies and were overwhelmed by how many people wanted to order them. We will have them in within a couple of weeks and will get them straight out to you. Don’t worry if its sunny when you get them they make amazing sun parasols, ha ha!

 We have a busy one today, we have to go over to Peterborough to set up the bar, its our bigger bar and stretch tent so not a quick set up, but we will keep you updated throughout the day.

We mentioned on the live yesterday something we are working on, a subscription private group on facebook. It's early days but we are putting things in place to be ready by 1st of August. We have had a few posts flagged and been told off for on Facebook because they are very strict on what you can and cannot do on a page, so we are going to create a private group for those who wish to join, the cost will be £5 per month. In the group you will be able to have more of an involvement in product development, a place to share ideas both in terms of new products and how to drink and serve our current ones. There will be weekly lives at a preset time where we can discuss anything and everything we are doing. Plus you will receive your £5 back in terms of offers and discounts. We are still working on the details but one thing is for certain you will receive value for money.

This will not change anything on our current public page, we will still be on there doing what we do, but for those of you who would like to get more involved then you have the choice to join the other group too. 

When some of our products have gone viral and we have struggled to keep up it has been very difficult when loyal supporters have struggled to get hold of the products they are wanting, these products will be available first to the subscribers.

We have been asked why we are charging £5 a month, the honest answer is to enable us to provide more content and take some of the pressure off to allow this to happen. We do not have infinite resources to do this, so by your support in this, this will allow us more time to give back more. One thing is for certain we will give exceptional value for money. 

Right off to a quick meeting before the loading of the vans etc

Catch you later!


Must take cups!

