Must take cups!

Good morning!

Its Friday and its a lovely morning

Apologies for being quiet yesterday, was a very busy day running around getting set up for the festival. 

We have the main tent and bar set up, the site looks amazing, we are directly opposite the main stage, so will be easy to find but we will also be able to watch the acts. For those that don’t know this is the largest event we have done so we don’t really know what to expect. Its been quite the emotional roller coaster getting here, it can easily overwhelm you, many a time its been why on earth do we put ourselves through it, it would be far less stressful and less risky to just plod along doing the same things but that would not get us to one of our long term goals. That goal is to one day have a bar at Glastonbury, will it ever happen, who knows but it won't be for lack of trying. So that's why we are doing this and we are going to do our best to enjoy the journey. It doesn’t mean that everyday is a good day where everything goes smoothly, in fact quite the reverse but we are far better having a go than not. Its taken us this far so we will just keep going! 

We also have a local show this weekend, the Cambridgeshire Steam Rally, being held at Stow Cum Quay, looks a great event, so if you are near to Cambridge pop along.

The shops are both doing well too, Hu8nstanton is coming into its busiest time and the work at Wells is coming together ready for the 28th! Would love to see some of you on the 28th if you would like to come along.

We will try and go live at the festival and show you what's happening

Not even time for a meeting this morning, got to remember what's on the list…

Must take cups, must take cups!

Catch you later!


We are back


Misty morning!