Monday so soon!

Good morning!

It's Monday again, it has soon come round…

I had four days at Bells pumpkin patch in Boston and I thoroughly enjoyed it, yes it was four long days with lots of traveling and mixed weather but I had a great time. Thursday was awful weather, Friday was damp and cold, Saturday and Sunday were warmer. I had a good time, met some lovely people both traders and public, Mavis and Gerald came to see me, Gerald sporting his Fenspirits bobble hat, it was great to catch up with them. The four days actually went pretty quick and boom before you know it I am back in the shed.

So now it all starts again, sitting down and working out what needs to be done this week, taking just one day at a time, the first thing to do is to go through the emails and messages, I keep an eye on things when not here and sort out what's needed but there are plenty to go through this morning. 

We have the Downham Fireworks on Saturday night, where we serve hot mulled gin and hot chocolates so that will need some planning and prepping for. 

It is also the time to start ramping up production for the many Christmas shows we have coming up, it's on my list to post the events this week, so now I have said it, it has to happen. 

I don’t know about you but the hour change takes me a while to get used to, we were chatting over the weekend, how you end up waking up each hour for no reason and checking the time and as most people use there phones to see the time they update automatically. It will take me a few days but it soon settles down. It was nice to walk the dogs this morning in the light, at least you can see where you are stepping!

Advent calendars will remain on sale on our website until Friday and then will be removed, we can then tally up how many need to be made. We were discussing the new flavors we are going to include last week so its exciting to put them together. Those that have ordered them, thank you and we look forward to your feedback!

Going to try and get unpacked from the show before the morning meeting so I best get on with it!

Off to unload the stock and then off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Bobble Hats!


Two choices!