Monday monday!

Good morning

Or should we say good Monday morning…

As we have wrote before, Monday is a good day, it's the day we work out the weekly plan, what needs to be done, what's a priority etc

It's days like this that can seem mundane and boring, nothing exciting on the agenda but it's these days that are vitally important. Doing the mundane works makes all the difference, and funily enough exciting things then happen. It could be that email which you have been waiting for which confirms that next deal, show or opportunity. Or it could be that some internet orders come in unexpectedly. What is always interesting is that these things only happen when you do the things that need to be done, they certainly never happen when you don’t!

So that’s what we will be doing today.

We did some filming last week on our drinks, these were well received and will be doing more of them. These are an example of what we have discussed before, they are not perfect, can easily be criticised but they are a start and they are out there and it's something we can work on and improve.


Something that happens a lot, and probably happens to everyone is whenever you are doing something, putting yourself out there. Whether that be starting a business or just in daily life, you will always find that people will give you advice, especially when you haven't asked for it. You can be stood looking at something you have done, full of pride and also at the same time knowing you can improve it, when someone will come along and say you should do this, or you should do that etc They mean absolutely no harm, they are genuinely trying to help, but this can be very damaging to your confidence and for some people stop them having another go. This is such a shame when this happens. The important thing is to not take it personally when they do this, just keep that sense of pride in what you have done and keep having a go improving what you are doing. Finding out what works and what doesn’t for yourself. All of the most successful people in the world have received the same criticism and unsolicited advice but they have learnt when to listen and when not to.

Now if that criticism comes from a bad place with an agenda, that's the time to definitely not listen.

Right, we have a meeting to attend..

Here’s to a good week!

Catch you later

Positive part - No serious harm was done after drinking Naga Chilli Toffee Vodka


Bloody Karen!


Gone global!