Gone global!

Good morning

That's another week flown by, with lots of ups and downs but in reflection on last Friday progress has been made so that means it's been a good week.

It certainly hasn’t been an easy week, but nothing worth having comes easy and it means you value it more and stops you taking things for granted. We wouldn’t want it any other way.

We had a look yesterday at the stats regarding this blog. We never normally look at these things for many reasons. People get hung up on number of likes on a post or number of comments and then use these as a measure of success. This is very damaging to do this because it means you are then never satisfied, you end up just wanting more and more. However it is good to have an overall look from time to time, so that's what we did yesterday.

Firstly, a bloody massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read the blog, the aim was to show people the behind the scenes and what goes on which cannot be seen. The numbers are growing daily which is amazing to see that our journey clearly resonates with people's own journeys. We keep saying we are all the same and we are!

What really shocked us was this…We have a global reach! The bulk of the views is the UK which we are very grateful and then in February we also had readers in the following countries

United States - Howdy!!

Australia - G’Day!

Italy - Ciao!

Germany - Hallo!

France - Bonjour!

Canada - Hello/Bonjour!

Spain - Hola!

Argentina - Hola!

Netherlands - Hallo!

Finland - Hei!

Ireland - Dia dhuit!

Mexico - Hola!

Hopefully we got them all correct, if not blame google…

So instead of measuring our successes by money, it is much more fun to measure it this way in relation to the blog. We will take a look at the end of the month and see how we have got on.

We have a few shows this weekend so got to get sorted for those, we spent some time yesterday making some videos which are now on our website under the how to drink section. 

Have a great weekend and thank you all so much for coming along on this journey with us.

Positive part - We are bloody global bloggers!


Monday monday!

