Organised Chaos!

Good morning

Despite the freezing cold mornings the rest of the days this week have been stunning, the afternoon sunshine and later evenings make you feel so much better, they also mean you get more done, more energy to do stuff.

This week as predicted is going really fast, especially with the shows at the weekend looming, however as we wrote on Monday the important thing is to not get overwhelmed by it. Keep writing the list, keep ticking the things off and hopefully new things appear on the list slower than they get ticked off. 

We were having a discussion about this, running a business like this during these times it feels like the list never ends, in truth it doesn’t and you end up running out of time before getting it completed. That's ok though, you have to prioritise what needs to be done and make sure you get that done first. 

We have made more Pink Gin as this is proving to be very successful, drinking this whilst the sun is out makes it taste even better. That might be on the cards this evening, so if it's freezing cold and thunderstorms you can blame us.

The chocolate vodka is also going well, no coincidence with Easter just a few days away. 

It should be an interesting day ahead, very chaotic with having to run all over the place getting things sorted, but the whole team knows its organised chaos. We are very adept at getting things done and having the right things in the right place at the right time. Despite at times having absolutely no idea how it will happen but we know it will.

The two shows at the weekend are usually good ones but when it comes to shows you cannot predict how they will go, there are far too many variables to take into account so we always go to them with an open mind and see what happens. It's interesting, despite doing shows for many many years, you still start the day apprehensive until you have made your first sale. The first sale could be at 9am or could be nearer to dinner time, nobody knows. Sometimes you sell early and think this is going to be a brilliant day then do nothing in the afternoon, other times you do nothing in the morning and then smash it in just a few hours in the afternoon. They really are a lottery.

Right, off to the meeting and a coffee 

Catch you later


Bigger Picture!


One step at a time!