One step at a time!

Good morning!

Tuesday soon comes around and suddenly it's the day where I write personally, I actually got up and only realised this when opening up the laptop. That's what happens when week days blend into weekends, I lose track of days. After a quick check, it's definitely Tuesday.

I actually really enjoy the weeks when they are like this, each day is just a day and I try to maintain the same routine. I get up at 5am. Recently it's been earlier, it's a daft game I play in my crazy head. Can I get up before the alarm goes off and pretty much every day I manage it. 

I have always got up early, ever since starting a paper round at 11 years old which I did nearly 7 days a week until I was 16. I'm definitely programmed to get up early and get on with the day. It's only as I have gotten older I have read lots about how many successful people do the same, I don’t believe that you have to do this to be successful though, I have friends who are the opposite, especially the creative ones, they tend to be at their best at night. We are all different and just do what works best for you.

I really enjoyed the gin tasting Friday. I managed to talk to each and every table and just have a chat and listen to their views and experiences with gin etc, I really learn alot from speaking with people. I spoke to two ladies towards the end and the first thing they said was thank you for talking to us and not talking down to us. This really struck a chord with me, the idea of talking down to them or anyone in fact is bloody awful. I’m the one who was thanking them for spending their money and time coming to an event to listen to me speak and to taste some products that we had made. The first thing I ever say at one of these talks is thank you for coming. So the notion of standing there talking down to them is something I cannot get my head round. I would not be standing there doing what I really enjoy doing if they hadn’t come along. Could you imagine turning up and no one was there? Now that would be crushing.

I am constantly learning, some things by choice and some things I have no choice to learn, like being spotted in the street or dealing with people's perception with who I am etc, I have learnt that maybe I’m not wired the same as most people, my daughters keep trying to label me but i don’t like labels, so I will accept I think a little differently. Its like what motivates me, for many businesses its the money, but for me that's the part that least motivates me, yes we need to earn money to pay the bills etc but the idea of getting up every day and doing what I do just for a number on a spreadsheet gives me a similar feeling to the idea of talking down to people who have paid to hear me speak. I couldn’t do it. 

What motivates me is the challenge of forcing myself to have a go, seeing something that appears difficult and testing myself to see how I handle it. This can be a very simple thing like a hill to walk up or a more complex thing like trying to run a business. When I get to the start of the hill I immediately think great, it's like a free workout, so get your arse up there. In business it can be we have an issue with a raw material which is out of stock, I think right what can I do about it, can I get it elsewhere or is there an alternative and I relish the challenge to get it sorted. Its then a great feeling when you get to the top of the hill or when you get the raw material sorted. It's these things that motivate me along with seeing Fenspirits grow, seeing my team grow and develop, seemingly doing what is perceived as very challenging but with a smile, sleeves rolled up and getting on with things. Especially in this very difficult environment we are currently operating in. 

I think everyone has the possibility to do it, on whatever level they chose, so if ‘just a man in a shed making alcohol’ can do it I believe everyone can. All it takes is that first step up that hill and then the second, third fourth etc and don’t bloody stop until you get up it.

Have a good day

Off for a meeting and a coffee!


Organised Chaos!

