
Good morning!

It's a new week, a new month and a new quarter of 2023…

Hope you all had a good weekend, it was a super busy one for us which started Friday evening with the Gin talk. 

That went very well, it was a lovely room and set up and a really good group of people. Some knew of us and some didn’t and we got to go round at the end and sit with each table and have a good chat. It's great to interact on this level, one of the comments we had was these two ladies really enjoyed it because they felt like we talked to them and not talked down to them. That meant alot, because the idea of talking down to them like they had experienced in other talks is simply awful. When we first put together the talks the aim was to give value for money, have a fun evening and hopefully teach them something. Judging by the responses we achieved this. We have another one on Thursday night, so fingers crossed we can achieve the same.

We also had two small markets on Sunday, these went well and then before you know it Monday comes around.

Now this week is a very busy week, we have Easter this week so its a shorter week to get prepared, not a short working week because from this week onwards until the end of September the working week becomes 7 days, so we only have 4 days to get ready for the weekend work. 

We mentioned last week on the blog that we were itching to get going, so now the time is here and it's very easy to get overwhelmed, already this early in the morning the feeling is there is not a lot of time and there is too much to do. But there is always time and it always gets done and panicking about it only wastes time. So this is where the routines kick in, to keep us focused and organised. 

We will start with the morning meeting, we will unload the vans from the weekends and sort the stock out. Work out what stock is needed for the Easter shows and then work out a production schedule. Sounds very straightforward, in some ways it is, but like what always happens we will create a plan and then the unknowns will happen to test us throughout the week, but by Thursday evening we will be all sorted one way or another! There will be some carnage along the way but that's all part of the fun/challenge.

So have a good day, we will keep you posted on what we are up to!

Off to the meeting

Catch you later


One step at a time!


Got to laugh!