Got to laugh!

Good morning!

Yes, it's Friday, we got there…

We said on Monday we were going to make it a good week and we have achieved that. It has been a good week and it's not over yet. 

It certainly hasn't been without its challenges, the only difference really between this week and last week's shite show of a week is how we handled these challenges. 

A few things have happened that have been so ridiculously bad that all we could do was step back and laugh. You couldn’t make them up if you tried, especially the timing of them. But sometimes all you can do is laugh. That’s classic British humour for you, you can’t beat it. 

When the whole world is falling down around you and you can stand together and laugh, put the kettle on, have a cuppa and then start sorting it out, one bit at a time. We have had a few of those moments this week.  It's all part of the journey, nothing worth having comes easily, if it was all easy and plain sailing then it's probably not worth what you think it is or you will end up not appreciating it as much. Saying that a little bit of good fortune or luck every now and then won’t go amiss!

So today is all about getting ready for the shows and dare we say it looking ahead to next week when we have bigger shows over Easter. Holkham Hall (Norfolk) Saturday and Sunday, Kelmarsh Show (Northants) Sunday and Monday. 

We also have a gin tasting this evening, being held at March Conservative Club, these are great fun. If you have never attended one, they are very different to a typical gin tasting evening. There are around 40 people attending, they start off all civilised and during the course of the evening it gets harder and harder to keep control of the room. We always have a laugh at these, we are pretty good at reading the room, you can pick out the table that's going to be rowdy, usually a couple of partners that have been dragged along and don’t really want to be there. The ones that are genuinely interested in what's being said. Then you will always get at least one who has watched every episode of moonshiners, they like to ask difficult questions to test you. We love the whole mix and interact with everyone and spend time at the end going from table to table chatting and ensuring everyone has had a good time. So if you are going this evening and you happen to read this please say hello, we really enjoy meeting people. 

Thank you to each and everyone of you who do read these, the numbers are going up and up, including the countries. Plus if our rambling helps any of you on your journey then that is bloody brilliant.

Off to the meeting and a coffee

Have a great day and a great weekend



