Paul smashed it

Good morning!

It's Monday!! Hope you all had a good weekend and didn't get too sunburnt! It was certainly a scorcher.

The taster night Friday went down a storm, these really are great fun, a very unique experience, almost like a party in a shop for couple of hours, Paul from Birdhouse Brewery did amazing, he had his family there supporting him, they got involved and it really was amazing to see them chatting to the people who came, both about the beer and their story. It was a wonderful feeling, supporting another small business that makes a great product with passion and who work bloody hard getting it out there. Seeing so many people walk out the shop with their beer in their hands and how happy the team from Birdhouse Brewery were, was priceless.

It's going to be a good week..

We have loads going on this week, the Royal Norfolk Show Wednesday and Thursday, then a bar at a local country and western show Saturday (cowboy outfits coming out again!) plus some other shows at the weekend. We will do some posts this week about where you can find us.

A busy week like this can mean you can start the week a little over whelmed, but we know what we need to do, start with the morning meeting, work out a plan and then tick the things off that urgently need doing.

This means some other things will have to wait till next week, which is OK, they are less important. So that's what we are going to do

Right, off to a meeting..

Will update you throughout the day


Royal Norfolk


Taster night