Taster night

Good morning!

It's Friday and it's going to be a long one with the Taster evening tonight.

It's certainly been an eventful week, with lots of ups and downs.

Overall we have made some progress but not a lot really.. Just one of those weeks, which is OK, we haven't gone backwards so that's a good thing.

It's just another example that not everything will go your way but regardless you just keep going, focus on the positives etc

The spirit from the Perry is ready to turn into gin, we will keep some and try it as a plain vodka too.

It's going to be strange unloading the van and sorting out the show stock as its a Friday, that will confuse us!

We have the same next week with the Royal Norfolk Show

Best get to it, have a good day and a great weekend

For those coming tonight, see you later!


Paul smashed it

