Run, Walk, Whatever!

Good morning!

It's Thursday (that's a reminder to me!)Thank you for the responses to yesterday's blog, we now know when officially these seasons start and end, so tomorrow is the start of Autumn, yet getting up and out early this morning there is definitely a nip in the air!

Today we have to get loaded up for Chatsworth Country Fair which starts tomorrow, plus get organised for the Holbeach Country Show which is on Sunday. 

I wrote yesterday about the subtle change in words and how this impacts your mind and ultimately your day. This was the case yesterday, it was a good productive day with progress being made. 

I went for a run with my friend Paul last night, due to circumstances out of my control I have not been able to do this for a few weeks and it was great to get back to my usual routine, both physically and mentally, we had a great catch up, talked the whole way round and this is quite often when we come up with ideas or talk through problems and come up with solutions etc. I did a long walk Saturday too, this also did me the world of good! There is something special in being outside in the fresh air and moving, something I will be doing more of, putting the phone down, disconnecting and just being out there.

This reminded me of how I have to keep up my routines and how they are important to me, both in work and for me personally, you need to have the discipline in place and then you are far better equipped to deal with the challenges that come your way. 

It's very easy to let things slip and before you know it they have gone out the window and then everything else suffers because of it, again these words are aimed at me, to remind me that I need to be disciplined every day and how important it is to me.

I take inspiration from people who are around me, who despite having loads to do, still get up and make the time to do these things regardless of  what they have to deal with on a daily basis., like going for a long walk or working out etc 

It doesn’t matter if you know this stuff, it still creeps up on you when you let things slip. Thats the importance of having great people around you, they are not going to say, ahh its ok don’t worry about it, do it tomorrow, instead they are going to say, get your arse out there and get it done, you will feel better for doing it, stop making excuses and just do it, regardless of how you feel, that's irrelevant, just do it.

The same applies to work and in business, just get it done, we are fortunate at the shed in the fens we have daily routines and great people who collectively do this, one might be down one day, but the others will pick up the slack and give you the kick up the arse when needed. 

So as I said, today is about getting things done in preparation for the weekend and we will make it happen and make it a good day, will even be writing a list of things that need to be taken, just got to remember to put everything onto the list and then remember to actually read the bloody thing and tick it off!

Right off to a meeting with a coffee!

Catch you later!

Ant x




Make it a good one!