Scrap of Paper!

Good morning!

Its Wednesday, I had to write that because its a reminder to me, its been one hell of a week, this time last week I was getting loaded up to go to the British Motor Show, got back late Sunday, been running around Monday and Tuesday sorting lots of things, in and out of the shed in the fens and now today is the first proper day back here. 

That can be overwhelming, things build up while you are away, the team do a great job in my absence and I do the urgent things I need to do whilst away but its not the same as actually being here. 

So as I have written many times, when I feel overwhelmed by what needs to be done I write it down, some things on here but most importantly I write a list on a scrap of paper. We have a running joke in the distillery that paper is expensive and cannot be wasted so the list is usually scribbled on the back of something or other. 

The first thing I do is check the work diary, this is where everything we have coming up gets put, including my haircut appointments (ha ha!), we have one event this weekend, its on bank holiday Monday and is the Aylsham Show which is just north of Norwich. Both shops will also be open. 

We would normally be at Carfest this weekend, which used to be a massive show for us, however like a lot of these large events they have become more and more expensive, both for traders and the public, plus they allowed many more alcohol stands like ours. There comes a point where regardless of how much you enjoy the show, and CarFest is great fun, it just doesn’t become financially viable. Thats the case with it this year so we took the decision to not do it.

This is where the show diary constantly evolves from year to year. 

We are busy looking at Christmas shows, this is a massive jigsaw puzzle which we are slowly putting together, I was discussing this last night, its working out the logistics of it all, the staffing and also what shows were successful last year and what ones were not. 

We have a couple of great shows next weekend, Chatsworth Country Fair, Friday to Sunday and also Holbeach Food Festival on the Sunday which is a more local one. So we will be planning stock levels ect this week and early next week.

There are also notes left on my desk with people to call back and things that are needed to be ordered etc so I will be working through this today too.

Caramel Rum Liqueur was very popular at the last show, the new product in Lincolnshire Co-op and has also become more popular on our website and in our shops. So if you fancy a sweeter Rum which is great to sip neat over ice or added to coffee etc its worth a try! This is one product we will have to ramp up production of before the Christmas madness begins.

Right off to a meeting, scrap of paper and pen in hand!

Catch you later

Ant x



