
Good morning!

Yesterday went well, we made a list and worked our way through it, albeit it as soon as something was ticked off something was added, but we made lots of progress. It makes you feel like you are achieving something and clearing through the clutter and chaos that comes your way.

It was also a super hot day, on Saturday at the show when myself and Steve Cheese got soaked we didn’t sell one single brolly which made us laugh. So yesterday we put a post out saying that we don’t sell these in the rain but only when its boiling hot! Guess what..we sold some brollies!! If this is how it works we will have to launch our Fenspirits sunglasses at the Christmas shows!!

Today is a run around day, I have to go to both shops, delivering and collecting stocks etc, which is also a great time to catch up with them in the shops, it's important for me to do this regularly because they are important parts of team Fenspirits and I don’t want them out there on their own not feeling part of it. Plus they make me a coffee and I usually pinch something from both shops to eat, so everyone’s a winner!

The shops are really interesting, they ebb and flow each day, some days are good, some not so good and some are exceptional, there is often absolutely no reason for this, its just how they flow. You cannot predict what's going to happen from day to day, so its almost impossible to plan what to actually hold in stock in the shops. We have worked very hard over the last few months to gradually increase the stock holdings to cover this, but still its very unpredictable and sometimes things go out of stock. Do you know what's started selling throughout August in our Hunstanton shop, to the point people have been asking for it…Christmas Gin!! When asked its not even for Christmas, they are drinking it now, how on earth would anyone be able to plan or predict that, no different to only selling brollies on boiling hot days!!

I have read a lot about business and marketing etc etc but have never read anything that can explain that or plan for it. So for those that say its clever marketing, its certainly not, its bloody bonkers and I have no idea why, but I will just keep going with the flow.

Right off to a meeting then getting loaded up before off to the shops.

Have a great day!

Catch you later

Ant x


Bank Holiday Weekend!


Scrap of Paper!