Bank Holiday Weekend!

Good morning!

It's Friday!!!

It's the last day of the week, its been one of those weeks which has gone quickly and felt like a long one all at the same time, probably sounds bonkers but that's how it feels.

We are now working on and planning the next few weeks, as we have plenty of shows coming up throughout September. October tends to be less busy so thats the time to start ramping up production ready for November and December. 

We will be doing some advent calendars which will be available for pre-order in September, we are currently putting our heads together to decide what to put in them. If you have not seen them before they will contain 24 x 50ml, a range of spirits all produced by ourselves. We like to have a play and put some new products in them. 

I did my run around yesterday, had a coffee in both shops and a catch up, they are both doing well, we have some new ideas in the pipeline for them, this is why its important to spend some time in them chatting, I have found thats the best way for all new ideas to materialise, through just general chit chat. Then you get that ping! Lightbulb moment, and think lets give it a try, some of them work, some of them don’t, but its important to just have a go and see what happens.

I joked yesterday about selling sunglasses in December, but both shops have Fenspirits sunglasses in them. They are selling really well, so well that I had to order some more yesterday. If the weather turns bad in a few weeks time you can blame me, it will be because of the sunglasses.

I was saying yesterday its getting darker in the mornings now, at 5am it is very dark, I personally like this time of the year, there is a slight crisp in the air and its lovely sat outside having a coffee and seeing it get lighter, listening to the birds chirping etc

So its bank holiday weekend, both shops are open all weekend and we have the show on Monday, The Aylesham Show.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whatever it is you are planning on doing, thank you all again for both reading my ramblings and the constant support that we receive.

Off to a meeting, coffee in hand!

Catch you later

Ant x


4 day week!

