
Good morning!

It's Monday, it's a new week and it's going to be a good one! 

Firstly I have to talk about yesterday’s show at Whittlesey, we have done this one many times and it's always a great event. Held in the middle of the town, with lots going on. A large selection of classic cars, it hits home when you see some of the cars which were around when I was 17/18 and are now classed as classic vehicles. We were saying it's great seeing them and the owners polishing them and super proud of them, it's infectious when you see people with a passion, whatever it is. They kicked off the event with a parade through the town, starting with a marching band. We stood and watched them go past, the poor buggers must have been boiling hot, but it didn’t affect them, they looked and sounded great. There were then lots of children's groups, from brownies to majorettes, it was lovely to see the little ones super proud walking along and the town was full of people watching them. The last part of the parade was the Scottish bagpipes, they must have been bloody hot! But again they sounded and looked great.

I was saying before the event that usually when it is that hot, 30C, it kills and event, however this didn’t happen yesterday, loads of people came out and supported it, it was amazing and we had a great day, met lots of people, everyone was super friendly and it made for a great day. We were next to our friends from Birdhouse Brewery and had a great laugh with them all day.

I checked the weather forecast and it predicted thunderstorms at 4pm, typical, this was when we were supposed to pack up. They got that wrong, around 3pm it suddenly got very very dark, almost like a lightswitch turning the light off, we could hear some thunder first and then saw some lightning, it then started to get windy which is a nightmare on your stand because I have seen plenty of stands blown away in weather light this. Then all of a sudden the storm was on it, it absolutely poured down, so hard that the drains couldn't cope and we had a river running through all our stands, the roof of our pitch was bowed with water. It was a case of chuck everything in boxes, run and get the vehicles and chuck everything in as quickly as possible. The end result was everything was soaked, we were soaked and had to drive back with no T-Shirt on and just my shorts and very squelchy shoes. We must have looked a right site as we got back and there had been no rain at all back home..

It is a classic example of how unpredictable a show can be, we struggled all day in the boiling heat, spraying ourselves with these cans of mist spray to cool down and then by the end of it we were absolutely soaking wet! Never a dull moment doing a show, but yesterday was a pretty extreme example of one. Getting wet didn’t take away from the fact it was a good day and we had some great fun and met some lovely people.

So now its onto this week, first things first is get unloaded and dry everything out. We will then plan the rest of the day and the week.

Right off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x



