
Good morning!

It's Thursday! That's a reminder to me, after working all last weekend at a show it can get very confusing what day of the week it is!

Yesterday was another good day, lots of bottling and labelling etc etc even sold more brollies!

We are closed tomorrow so we have to get everything sorted for the weekend today, mainly the show on Sunday at Whittlesey.

Boy did it get hot yesterday, very strange in the morning, was almost chilly with all the mist and fog around. It's supposed to be another hot one, actually for the rest of the week, it should make Sunday an interesting day. Sometimes when it's that hot it kills a show, far too hot for people to shop, unless you are the ice cream man of course, which as I have said before, they deserve to have a great day as I have often seen them say there in the pouring rain and even snow. 

We are still busy booking shows, for the rest of the year, we have even had plenty for next year!

Its been an interesting week and overall we have made plenty of progress, mainly in terms of planning for Christmas, this is such a crucial time for us, by far the busiest time of the year and we have to work as hard as possible because January to March is usually a very quiet time. This is the same for all retail businesses.

We mentioned doing a Christmas Quiz, we decided last night it would be Friday 15th December, so if you are up for it, mark it in your calendar. I was asked will I be practicing, the honest answer is, not really, I will dust off the trusty kazoo and have a little play in private but apart from that I found the best ones were when I didn’t overthink them. So if you hear a very strange sound don’t panic it's just me having a go with the Kazoo! Not someone being murdered so no need to call the police!

Right, off to a meeting…

Catch you later!

Ant x




Bloody Hot!