Thank you

Good morning

I haven't had chance to write on here due to personal circumstances, someone very close to me is very poorly.

The only reason I'm writing this is because it helps me, get things down on paper so to speak.

The Fenspirits train keeps chugging along, despite me not being around.

That's because I have an incredible team running the show with the amazing Gema at the helm in the shed in the fens and Karen running Hunstanton. Wells will reopen soon.

So thank you to each and everyone in the team, for stepping up and doing what you are doing.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to support what we do.

I had lots of Birthday messages which I have not had chance to reply to, thank you, its much appreciated.

I will be back soon, but to be fair the shed and shops are doing great without me interfering ha ha make the most of it!

Not off for a meeting, but will be enjoying a coffee or two

Have a good day and I'll catch up with you soon

Ant x


Brief Update


We are back