Brief Update

Good morning

Its good to get back writing this and back into a routine, thank you for the kind messages and comments, they are appreciated.

A massive thank you to the team here, each and everyone of them have kept things going, we really do have the best group of social misfits who make up one hell of a team.

Lots has been happening behind the scenes, we have just has a second product taken on by Linconshire Co-op, we teased you before with some social media posts regarding this, they have taken our Caramel Rum Liqueur into some of there stores. Rum has been becoming more and more popular so if you are near a Lincs Co-op pop in and see if you can see it on the shelves. They stock our Toffee Vodka Liqueur which is very popular instore so it will be interesting to see how the rum goes. This is a project we have been working on since January, as we have said before, nothing comes easy and nothing happens quickly but by being patient and working with them for over six months we are very proud to say its now in store. We have always said we wouldn’t work with large retailers, however Linconshire Co-op are very different to major retailers and value their local range and work with the local suppliers. 

The Cafe/bar in Wells is going well, lots of hard work to get it open, but that is just the beginning, now the real work begins, slowly promoting it, building it up into what we believe will be a very successful place. We will do this, by maintaining our core values, serving great drinks, whether they be coffee or alcoholic drinks, exceptional customer service and maintaining a relaxed, chilled out environment. This is happening, we have had people comment how nice it is, how great the drinks are and brought their friends back already. We even had a group of men drinking pints of Birdhouse Breweries Ale and they brought a pack of cards in. That was a very cool moment. Jodie has done amazing and has lots of plans for the place which we are excited to see what she comes up with. We were contacted by the press again, the Eastern Daily Press, yesterday who are running another article on it as it's open. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising and if we can maintain our standards and approach then it will just keep growing. This then has the future potential to be replicated elsewhere. Either by ourselves or as a franchise, who knows! The reporter was saying its brave in these difficult times, yes it is, but its during these times you have to have a go, people still want to go out and do things, you just have to make sure you offer them exceptional value for money, service, quality products and a great experience. Thats what we are trying to do. 

We have a small show this weekend in Swaffham on Sunday, the weather is looking good for it, so if you are local to Swaffham pop along, it's all happening in the town centre. 

The Brollies arrived yesterday, so those orders have started to be sent out, Gema did an amazing job of working out how to package them. We had a right laugh watching her come up with various solutions, but she nailed it (third time lucky!) so those who have ordered will be receiving them shortly. The shops will be having some in store later today.

Hunstanton is going well too, its the peak season at this shop and Karen has done a great job running it, some warmer weather would help, we have some plans for here but they will be for next year now.

So thats a quick update, lots of running around today, but first off to a meeting

Thanks again for the continued support

Catch you later 

Ant x




Thank you