
Good morning!

Thank you for the lovely comments and messages yesterday regarding the blog being back, it's something I find very helpful for me, sitting down and writing where we are at and what we are trying to achieve. 

When things are tough it's good to write it down and then it never seems as bad as it is when it's living in your head and when things are good it then allows you to reflect on the successes. So it's very beneficial and will continue to do it.

It's amazing for us that people enjoy reading it and coming along on the journey.

I can’t believe it's Thursday already, the days have really blurred into one.

Yesterday was a good day, doing shop deliveries, going through the vast amount of emails and working out what needs to be done over the next few weeks. 

It's like you have the world's longest to-do list which you will never complete!!

All the brollies have been sent out now and we have some in both shops for sale, typically today is supposed to be super hot and sunny, ha ha, of course that was going to happen. 

The Cucumber and Lime Vodka went down very well so today we have a small batch going online in 50cl bottles.

We are also working on the monthly membership to the ‘Drinking Club’, working out the finer details. We want to ensure that we offer exceptional value for money (£5 per month) so we won’t be rushing it out there, but will be aiming to have it starting by 1st September. Some of the benefits will be, apart from receiving your monthly fee back in discounts, first options on seasonal products, limited editions and new products, an involvement in new product developments. More details to follow.

So today we will be doing more of the same, rum is coming off the stills, its day three, for those that don’t know we distil our rum over three distillations, which means its super smooth and very flavoursome. The last day of distilling is the crucial one, where we have to ensure it is cut correctly, collecting just the heart of the spirit, which we then use to create our various rum products from.

Off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x


Great Coffee!


Brief Update