
Good morning

Where does time go when you're having fun, or when you are super busy, thankfully we enjoy our work so we try to make it fun, but time really does go quickly..

When things are like this, with absolutely bloody loads of things to do it can seem that there is not enough time to get things done, but we do get there, it might be chaotic but that's where having a good team makes all the difference. 

We concluded the interviews and today we have to make the decision. If you have followed this blog for a while you will know how important it is to have the right person, being such a small team its super important. Its very different in a large organisation, quite often people are treated as a number, but in a small team like ours that's not the case. There are benefits to working in a large company, more structured, everything has a process and a department that will deal with whatever needs doing, but here there are just a few of us doing everything. On the plus side, if we have had a good week, or if we need time out if things are not good we will stop and all go and have a breakfast etc

Last night some of us went to a local pub, The Wildfowler and did the pub quiz, it was great fun, well organised and we did pretty well. Plus we learnt some things, who new Vanilla comes from the plant Orchid! Or Brut on a bottle of fizz means very dry, and not just dry..That was a contentious one, but to give the quiz master his due, he handled it well..Simply said No, its very dry and no points for just the word dry. 

We went to the shop in Hunstanton to check out how to do a tasting night and have already sold 3 tickets so that's it then, it's happening, only 17 places left, we will post more about that today. We will make it a fun evening so if you are interested let us know. If all goes to plan we will do more during the summer months for both locals and people on holiday, something different for them.

Today we have to get ready for Peterborough tomorrow so that's a priority, bottles are arriving so when they do we can jump on bottling and filling.

So here's to a good day ahead, and hoping we have enough time to get through it all

Off to the meeting, catch you later


Bloody typical!


Just say yes!