Times flying

Good morning, blimey it's Friday already, time is certainly flying along!

We are super pleased with the overall progress this week, the new routines are bedding in and as long as we remain consistent then the progress will continue.

Consistency is everything, we have proved that to ourselves, it doesn’t matter if you are super talented or have an amazing idea or invention, if you are not consistent and work hard then you will not achieve what you set out to do. You will be disappointed the first time things don’t go to plan and then usually give up. The saying "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” by Tim Notke, a US basketball coach, is so true. Hard work and consistency is everything.

We have seen this with other companies, our good friends at Birdhouse Brewery are a prime example. We have been fortunate to see the hard work, dedication and consistency they have put into creating their brewery and they have created something very special, they recently won another CAMRA award for the Dark Amber Ale, very well deserved. They have also got some fancy Valentines boxes and some branded mugs etc, check them out!

So today is the day…we will go live later and make the AMOUR, procrastination is over. 

We also have to get the van loaded for Holbeach, for those of you who are local pop along, we will have a full range including the Valentine layered shot!

Ralf survived yesterday, full of gravy bones so he's happy!

Hopefully see some of you later online and have a great weekend!

Positive bit..for us, we are taking little steps everyday and making lots of progress and absolutely loving the amazing feedback


Squeaky bum!

