Top G!

Good morning

This is a personal one for me today, there is a lot of noise in the media about the Top G, but we have our very own one in the distillery, Gema. It's only with one M because she doesn’t like repeating herself.

Gema came to work with me over 3 years ago covering maternity leave. She was really impressive on the interview, ticked all the boxes, had done her research, did amazing on a trial but I had one concern…She looked angry. I was convinced she would be great at the job but it was only going to be the pair of us working together and with how I operate how would we get one. Well, we were about to find out because we hired her and I can honestly say it was the best thing we could have done. 

We often laugh about this now and Gema says “that was me being super nice!”. From the moment Gema started we clicked, that first Christmas season which is always a crazy time she really came into her own. 

I am very fortunate to have an amazing team. In terms of the work they are brilliant, however it is more than that, we are a group of friends that just get on to achieve a common goal. Gema is at the centre of everything and makes everything flow.

I told Gema recently and I meant it, she is hard as nails, tough as old boots but and this is a massive but, she has the biggest heart, softest centre and is my rock. I can always rely on Gema. I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of the other side of her, I’ve seen her turn when she feels the need to, everybody run! But treat her with respect and you will never have to see that side.

Gema pushes me on, encourages me when I have those moments of doubt and makes me become a better person and I hope I do the same with her. 

If you saw the live last week, I said Gema would have to write one of these this week. Her instant reaction was to absolutely brick it. I said don’t worry just write something about how your week goes and boy did she!

These are the Top G’s words

And then it’s suddenly Thursday. You have ticked off Wednesday but not reached Friday quite yet to cement the week. 

Start of a week we love to stack our cards and plan our route. 

We always get excited about new ideas or to get started on something we had waiting in the background. 

I’d say it pretty much runs like a game of poker. We take the cards handed to us then it’s decision time. Play the cards as you see them, see the opportunities they can provide or fake it till you  make it. 

To be honest the cards don’t really matter, what matters is what we do with them. 

Fold.. stack your chips .. or bluff. Make the call and follow through. 

You can always clean up after.

Have a great day!


Any progress is progress


Rice pudding