Any progress is progress

Good morning

Another week has flown by, it's been a roller coaster ride, ups and downs, full of optimism and disappointments and successes. Pretty much a typical week, overall its ending with progress being made. It's never a straight line!

When we sat down to write, we had absolutely no idea what to say, but because we have made it part of the daily routine, Monday to Friday it has very quickly become a habit, a good healthy one. It's these routines and good habits which we also apply to our work in the shed that means that each week we make some progress. It doesn’t matter how much progress is made, as long as we keep moving forward. 

So just like writing this blog, when we are in a position when we are not sure what to do, don’t forget when you run a small business like this there is no script, there is no one telling you what to do, you have to make it up as you go along. Winging it so to speak. It's these routines and habits that kick in and enable progress to take place.  In this case, a blog to be written. 

Part of our routine at work is the morning meeting (over coffee!), where we discuss the plan for the day, sometimes there is no plan before the meeting but there is always one by the end of it!

Thank you to everyone who has ordered online so far this week, we will total it up tomorrow and will be seeing Matty over the weekend and see the best way of assisting him, plus it will be good to catch up over a coffee and chat.

So it's nearly Whisky time.. Not sure who is more excited, us or Richard, he will be coming in on Monday afternoon for a taste test. That's something we need to do today, move the barrel, it's not moved for nearly 3 years! We are super excited, who would've thought a Single Malt Whisky made in the shed in the fens, in the distilling world there is a level of kudos releasing a Whisky, so yes we will shout about it.

Did you know that a single malt whisky has to be made from only malted barley, only come from a single distillery and aged in a barrel for 3 years and 1 day. Ours is certainly that! Our good friends at Birdhouse Brewery helped us make the wort which was then fermented before distilling. 

Have a great day!

Positive is getting warmer and lighter (such a british thing talking about the weather)


We make Single Malt Whisky!


Top G!