We make Single Malt Whisky!

Good morning!

We hope you had a good weekend, thank you to everyone who came and saw us at Bourne farmers market, it was a great small event. If you are near Bourne (Peterborough) its worth a visit, and will be on once a month.

So today is the day that Fenspirits, the shed in the Fen, can proudly say we not only produce Vodka, Gin and Rum, we also produce SINGLE MALT WHISKY!! As you know we have had to wait three years for this moment. We are super excited to have a taste at 1pm today, we have a couple of people coming into the shed to share this moment with us and to give their expert opinion on how it turned out. We have many people asking when it will be on sale and how much etc, the honest answer is we don’t know. When you age a spirit in a barrel you know how much alcohol you put in, number of litres and strength but because the barrel is porous both of these things change over time so even we don’t know how much is in there and what its strength is so until its emptied we cannot measure either of these things. Today is all about finding out what it tastes like, that's the first priority and then we will look at the finer details. We cannot get anymore open or transparent than that, so please bear with us if you are interested.

We went and saw Matty at the weekend, sat and had a coffee and a catch up, hes doing well. We explained who we are and what we are doing, we will update you more tomorrow on this, probably easier to go live and explain. There is only so much typing before the old fingers get sore!! That's exactly why we went live at the start of the pandemic because it was impossible to put into text what we were trying to do..That's something we have learnt, it's much better to have a conversation than it is to type, it's far easier to be understood, so if something important needs saying then say it don’t type it! We will be carrying on the 10% if internet sales going to enabling Matty to get back on his feet for the rest of the month, We had a meeting on Friday and was discussing this, the cynics say that the things we did during the Pandemic was clever marketing, the lives, the quizzes and bingo etc. We used to argue that we are not that clever, and nobody could have predicted or planned the outcome and the knock on effect of doing this. Looking back, one of the reasons we were so successful was that we appreciate the support from our followers and customers and it was our way of giving back, or simply put, being kind. Yes we sold a lot of products but you could see the more people purchase, the more good we could do and the more stability it provides for our business. It becomes a circle and the proof is in the pudding so they say.

We still have all the other bits to do today, even though it's all about the Whisky, vans still need unloading, orders need packing, shows need booking and stuff needs doing so we have to not get carried away else these things will come back and bite us in the arse further down the line.

Have a great day!

Positive part - The shed in the fens and the whole team involved are proud to say we are the first ever producers of Single Malt Whisky! That's one to tell the Grandkids!!


What a bloody day!


Any progress is progress