What a bloody day!

Good morning

What a bloody day yesterday, we now have a single malt whisky and it was absolutely delicious. Thank you to Richard who took the day off to come over and experience it with us. We waited and Richard took the very first sip, his face said it all, so we had some. It was at cask strength (53%) and yes was strong but was super smooth, warming and tasted delicious.

We will be working on the Whisky this week, working out bottles etc and will have an update by Friday (said it now so it has to happen!)

We all took the remains of our sample bottle home to enjoy last night and used it to celebrate the moment. It's important to celebrate achievements, however big or small they might seem, they need to be recognised and enjoyed in whatever way you feel is right. Without letting yourself get carried away because when you allow that to happen something usually bites you in the arse. But you cannot let these things stop you from celebrating and recognising your achievement. They call it living in the present, and taking the time to sit and reflect on what you have achieved and giving yourself a big pat on the back, enjoying a special meal, listening to a favourite song and in this case sipping your own Single Malt is important and should be done. 

Its is very interesting when you have these moments to stop and be present, stopping all the noise buzzing around your head you get a real sense of calmness and its in this moment that the new ideas materialise, the solutions to problems you have come to you. This is what happens when writing this each day, everything else stops for a few minutes and ideas come. So it's so important for us to carry on doing it, so we will!

We set Richard a task of writing some tasting notes for the whisky last night and he did, his first reaction was a little panic, twitchy bum time but we said just sit and drink it, enjoy it (basically be present) and write what you think. He has done that and we will post it later in the week. Luckily for us he likes it and didn’t simply write “taste like @#*$! So thank you Richard, cheque is in the post!

Have a great day, more updates on our social media throughout the day

Positive bit - We have not only made a single malt, we have made a single malt and it tastes alright!




We make Single Malt Whisky!