You know what they say!

Good morning!

Day 1 done at the British Motor show, it was a good day.

When I say a good day I mean for a first day at a four day show, plus being a Thursday. It always amazes me the amount of traders that come up to you a couple of hours into the first day and are already moaning about how quiet it is, some of them have been doing shows for years and still do it. I’ve been doing them for nearly 12 years so I know that the first day is going to be quiet in terms of sales but you have to just remain upbeat, say hello to everyone who comes past, you never know who will stop, chat and purchase etc if you stand there with a face like a slapped arse then no one is going to stop at your stand or if you pounce on everyone and try the hard sell then it will be equally as bad.

You know what they say… it’s a marathon not a sprint!!

So I was pleased with yesterday overall, now it's about getting ready for day 2, it’s a Friday so will be busier than yesterday. It’s raining this morning here but I have five brollies to sell so it will be interesting to see if they go!

I will try and get some pictures today, there are some beautiful cars here.

Again no meeting this morning, but there is plenty of decent coffee to be had

Have a good day, catch you later!

Ant x


Short one!


BMS Day 1