BMS Day 1

Good morning!

Day 1 from the British Motor show..

Yesterday went smoothly, from loading the van, a nice relaxing drive to Farnborough, about 3 hrs. It can be way longer as we have to go round the M25 past Heathrow, but it was plain sailing.

Arrived on site to the usual faff, but remained calm as there was plenty of time, then took my time setting up.

Did I forget anything? Of course I did, this became very apparent quite quickly. I forgot two things...

1) a table.. I was going to have a second table down the side as we have a corner pitch, luckily Steve had a spare one.

2) My gazebo sides, so I have a gazebo but no sides, but that's OK, ive winged it!

Who knows if I have forgotten anything else, I'll keep you updated

Today is the first day of trading, it's the press day, so it will be a steady one.

We went and bought lots of food last night so we are all prepared for the day

The weather looks great, we have to get in quite early today to finish setting up and then start trading at 10!

So no time for a meeting, but will have a catch up with the team in the shed in the fens and the shops and then get to work

Have a good day and catch you later!

Ant x


You know what they say!


Write it down!