Write it down!

Good morning!

When I first started writing these blogs again, they were part of a new routine for me, to put my thoughts into words here and to show people the ups and downs of running a small business. They quickly became very beneficial to me personally as they cleared all the noise and clutter in my head first thing in the morning. They stop that inner voice getting too much and overwhelming you before your day has even begun and make you focus on what needs to be done. Someone said to me recently that when they have a list to do, they fly through it and get it done very quickly, that is so true! When I don’t have a list I end up running round like a pinball on a pinball machine and not really getting what needs to be done! 

It never seems so overwhelming when it's down on paper, you can then very quickly work through it.

Its no secret that these are very challenging times for everyone, but between a combination of writing things down and also not being afraid to ask for help when needed you can get through anything. I am very fortunate to have incredible people around me who have enabled me to ask for help with no fear and that is priceless and something I don’t take for granted. 

Yesterday was a great day and on reflection it's down to simply keep going, especially through the tough days, writing things down and talking to the people close to you, bouncing ideas off each other etc

So yesterday Co-Op put out there the new Caramel Rum Liqueur, we will share their post later today, so if you are near a Linconshire Co-op pop in and see if its on the shelf!

We also spent a lot of time getting things ready for the British Motor Show, the van will be loaded this morning and then the long drive before spending the afternoon/evening setting up. These larger shows it's always better to set up the day before, however this is not always possible, but today it is. There is nothing worse than having to get up at 3am to drive to a show, set up during the carnage of lots of people setting up and being short of time, then having to work on the stand all day. So hopefully today goes smoothly, if it doesn’t then we have plenty of time to sort it out. One of my personal bad points is I always try and rush these things but today I am aiming to take my time…Ill update you tomorrow on how that goes!!

If you are coming to the show, we will even have some brollies on sale, but the weather is looking good all week, possibly a little rain Friday afternoon but overall its looking great!

Right time for the meeting, lots of coffee and then load up the van!

Have a good day

Catch you later

Ant x


BMS Day 1


Taster Nights!