Taster Nights!

Good morning!

It's a beautiful morning out there..

After all the rain yesterday it's nice to see blue skies this morning, we even saw some ripe damsons on the tree’s when out taking the pups for a walk.

Yesterday we had a good sort out, both in the shed and also things that needed doing for the shops. 

Today is about getting ready for the off tomorrow to the British Motor Show. 

With so much going on at the moment it's important to focus on what you can control and what needs to be done first. So the meeting first thing is a time to work out what needs to be done first etc

We have had a couple of bookings for taster nights in September, the first is at a farm shop and cafe near Norwich, A.G Meale & Sons. It's on Friday 8th September, we have done a gin night here before, it's a fantastic location and set up and hosted by lovely people. We are doing our new taster night here where we sample 3 vodkas, 3 gins, 3 rums and 3 others. It's gone down a storm so it will be fun to do it to a larger audience. Last time they had around 60 people there. So if you are near Norwich and interested please contact them to arrange tickets.

The second one is a Rum tasting night, to be held at March Conservative Club, 29th September, again we have held a gin tasting night here before and it was very well attended and people had a great time. This one will be purely about Rum, so will be very different and hopefully people have a great time. Tickets are available at the March Conservative Club.Last time there were about 40 people, so a decent sized crowd.

We put more molasses on to ferment yesterday so the shed currently smells amazing, its a very sticky messy job to start with but its now started to ferment, so all is good. At shows rum is definitely getting more and more popular so we will have to build stocks prior to the crazy rush at the end of the year.

Right off to a meeting, these lovely mornings we have the meeting outside, when the weather turns it will be time to turn the heater on in the caravan, but hopefully that wont have to happen for quite some time

Catch you later!

Ant x


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