Its Raining!

Good morning

It's Monday and a new week! The weekend went very well, both shops were busy so thank you to everyone who came to them, without customers coming in they wouldn’t keep open. The Cafe is getting busier, word of mouth is bringing more people in which is amazing. The show in Swaffham went well too, so again thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event.

I had a conversation at the weekend about how it's important for small businesses to survive. They need the support of people and communities, especially during these tough economic times. Its also therefore important to recognise when people do support you and not take it for granted. 

This week we have a four day show, The British Motor Show, we have to set up on Wednesday so will be working towards getting ready for that over the next couple of days. 

We also sit and work out what needs to be ordered for the shops and ensure that deliveries are on the way etc, so Monday is all about planning and ordering for the week ahead. 

We have seen some posts where people have received their brollies and they were impressed with the packaging. Gema has got this sussed so if you would like to order one, rest assured they will be delivered in great condition. They will come in handy today as its been raining all night. The warmer weather is on the way again and its expected to be hot by the weekend. 

We are also still booking shows and planning ahead for the super busy time, November and December, I always describe this as a massive jigsaw puzzle which needs a lot of planning and working out. So we have started that as it will soon be with us.

Right, off to a meeting, coffee in hand and then get on with what needs to be done

Have a good day and will catch you later

Ant x


Taster Nights!


Great Coffee!