7.5 out of 10!

Good morning!

It's Friday…and it's also nearly the end of the month. 

We sat down yesterday to reflect briefly on the month and we have made a lot of progress, from where we were at the start of April to now its massive progress. However many times during the month we felt like we were not, lots of frustrations, things not working out how we thought or hoped they would, then new things happening that we didn’t expect etc. Things very rarely work out how we expect them to, but by keeping chipping away, being positive as much as we can be, we look back and realise we have achieved a lot in a relatively short period of time. 

We said at the start of the blog, these are extremely difficult times economically, for everyone. The only way a small business like ours can survive is by working bloody hard, offering value for money and doing our best through this difficult time. Regardless of people's perception looking in from the outside, business at the moment is challenging to say the least. But we have worked too hard to simply roll over and give up, that is not an option. 

From all of us in the team we say a massive thank you to all our customers because without them we would not be still doing something we love doing. 

So that was our reflection, we then have to keep looking forward and that involves this weekend. We have a big show at Peterborough, Sunday and Monday, Truckfest, sadly it's the last one to be held there because they have sold the showground off for housing. Hopefully it's a great one. Two special guests will be there on Monday, Ralf and Flo..Move over Ant and Dec, the pups are coming. They went to the East of England Game Fair last weekend as customers and thoroughly enjoyed it so they are coming to Peterborough on Monday. Ralf enjoys sniffing the entire floor area for food and Flo was enjoying all the attention from the other people as she has such a smiley face she kept getting fussed. She was so happy she thought it was her show and all these people were there to see her! She’s such a happy dog, by the end of it they were shattered though. 

It's also been the first week for the new lady, Lucy is her name and she has fitted straight in, we see that as a compliment!! Doesn’t drink coffee but has had a go at making it with guidance and for the first time it was a solid 7.5 out of 10. 

So whatever you are doing this bank holiday weekend have a great one, the weather is looking good, not today though it peeing it down..

Of to a meeting and possibly a cooked breakfast today!

Catch you later




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