
Good morning!

It's bloody Tuesday again, that's bank holidays for you..we have another one next week so for a while I will have no idea what day it is. 

I had a full weekend, here, there and everywhere but really enjoyed it, especially taking the pups to Truckfest, they and I loved it and met some lovely people. It is still very surreal that people go out of their way to come and say hello and I enjoy chatting with them and it always makes me a little emotional when they thank me. I have learnt to accept their thanks and not try to deflect it, which a lot of us do when receiving praise.

I wrote last week that I would write about where I get my inspiration from. Even though I am stubborn and pig headed and appear to not listen to anybody, which a lot of the time I am, this is not always the case. I have a very small circle of people, they know who they are, who 100% get me and I trust them implicitly and always listen to them, they want the absolute best for me and I do  for them.

When it comes to inspiration and learning, I learn all the time. I am always looking at how companies and people operate and try to learn something from them. It doesn’t have to be a super successful large company, in fact I learn more from small companies and one man bands. I enjoy chatting with some other traders at shows, who keep it real, who talk about the daily grind and what they have to do to survive in business and grow. Their passion for what they are doing is infectious. I avoid the others, the negative ones, this just brings you down. There is nothing worse than a trader who comes up to you one hour into a three day show moaning that it's not busy or it's going to be rubbish. My ignorant side comes out then and I usually just walk away. It will be a very tough three days at a show if you start off like that, and usually is a poor show which is no surprise, when customers come up to you and your energy is like that why would they spend their hard earned money with you. I have been guilty of this, for whatever reason I have been mentally in a bad place and have not been able to pick myself up and have had a bad show. So I try really hard to park whatever is going on in my mental head and just enjoy being out there.

I really enjoyed going live on Friday and will be doing more of it, both on Instagram and Facebook. It's just fun for me and what a bonus that company is going to send me bar snacks to try with my drinks, so I look forward to that! I’m never going to turn down some food to try, plus Gema’s mum is making me a lemon drizzle, I'm really looking forward to that too!

It's a good job. I excercise a lot, otherwise I would be massive…

That's enough of my ramblings, got to get stuff done

Have a good day

Ant x




7.5 out of 10!