
Good morning!

Who else is enjoying the longer days and nicer weather??

We had a great day yesterday, getting sorted after the shows and we are now really into the rhythm of being busier. It is always chaotic moving from the quiet time, Jan to March into this time but it soon becomes the new norm. It is usually all or nothing in this business, like buses you wait for one to come and then several come at once. That's what happens with trade orders. They can go very quiet and then they all come in at a time when you are busy ramping up for shows. We are used to that and our flexibility in production allows for this. 

It's interesting because internet orders always slow down this time of the year, they drip in. Most businesses wouldn't admit that, or they would think something is wrong but we have learnt over the years it's not. It would be very easy to think we want it all, we must be doing something wrong etc , and start changing our approach to online things, flash sales and promotions. This would be the worst thing we could do, as we have said before, this would only devalue our product and what we do. So it's important to keep doing what we do and we are big believers in the universe taking care of things. Things that are supposed to come your way will, and things that are not meant to be wont. So we just keep going, learning and trying new things whilst maintaining our approach to business. 

The universe will give you what you need, not what you think you want.

We have a couple of shows this weekend, both on Sunday, Holbeach Farmers Market and Stamford Garden Fair.

We also have the taster night Friday night in our shop in Hunstanton, we have sold 11 tickets and there are some left. We are looking forward to this, we will make it a fun night for everyone. 

A few people have asked about Matty, he’s doing well, we keep in regular touch, we are helping him this week by booking his CBT, he got his provisional licence through so once he completes his CBT he will be able to get back on the road on a small motorbike. Matty doesn’t drink but he gives us suggestions for new products, particularly super hot spicy ones as he laughs at us trying to drink the Naga Chilli one. If you read this Matty, not a bloody chance mate!! So everyone who has purchased online, a massive thank you because we are using a percentage of these sales to help Matty on his journey. From where we first met him on that freezing cold day to where he is now, is incredible and Matty takes all the credit, his mindset and positive outlook and refusal to give up was and is inspiring.

The apple brandy is coming along, there are lots of distilling days involved so we will keep chipping away at it.

We are now off to a meeting 

Catch you later!



