Social media

Good morning!

Thank you for the comments yesterday, we do read them just we don’t always have time to respond etc.

We ended up having a super busy day and sometimes when this happens there is not always time to post on social media. Its one of those things when being a small business, time and resources are limited.

When it comes to social media we have our own approach to it, not that we need to tell you that if you are reading this then you are more than likely following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Our approach to social media is that it is a social media, it's not called selling media, its supposed to be social. Our view is that it is like a shop window into the business we have and what we get up to, and in our case the shop is also a small manufacturing plant/shed.

So we have always used it to show what we are up to, in our opinion there are too many posts online simply selling stuff, crazy offers and deals which are not sustainable, they might bring short term success but they are much harder to maintain longer term.

This is why we like to show the random things that go on, whether that be the pups sunbathing, random press ups on tables, or the more serious things like fermentation and distilling. We clearly don’t plan things. We see something in real time and tale a pic or a video and share it. It doesn’t matter if it's something good that is happening or something not so good, if we think its interesting, fun or funny we will post it. 

There are a few things we don’t entertain on social media and the main one being negativity, we refuse to post something that's negative, who wants to see that! We might post an absolute disaster that's happened to us, but that will only be because we are usually laughing at ourselves at the situation.

This is something that we have always done and its amazing that by avoiding negativity we generally don’t attract negativity, that is a beautiful thing. Occasionally we will receive an odd comment that is clearly just trying to troll us, but we can spot this a mile off and simply delete. 

We often hear people say social media is a bad thing, and yes it can be, but it can also be amazing, so we focus on that part, and our followers are amazing and the support we receive is too, so thank you!

Off to the meeting and the apple brandy day 2 distillation is under way!

Have a good day and we will catch up with you later 


7.5 out of 10!


Ramping up!